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“Dear younger brother hear my plea”


It all happened so fast,

The death of our dear father

In which we preferred not to ask

Knowing it would simply bother our mother.

My dear twin sister and me,

Both at a lost of words

To gather our thoughts, decided to go and lay

Under a peach tree

Where we simply listened to the bees.

We knew that eventually it would be our


But giving orders and having many look up

To us would not be in our capability.  

Our father a respected king,

Leaving us to take control of the kingdom

Secretly hoping one of us would take his royalty ring

And be crowned to our people the new king

My sister and me wouldn’t dare fight for the throne

But somehow someway we figured out

That the throne was something our younger brother

Desired to rule all alone

Our evil younger brother who enjoyed

Thinking of swords as the perfect murderers

These swords he considered better

Than an entire horde of armed men.


Slice, a smile which spread across

His face, a deadly smirk he dared display

Not caring of the disgrace he caused us

After we told him not to duel but to keep away


I, who did not seem him as threat

Unlike my sister who wanted his head

It was i who simply wanted to forget

It was her who would not stop until our younger brother was dead


And it wasn’t until a couple days ago

Which i finally understood,how my

Twin sister managed to enter the dungeon

And eliminate my younger brother once and for all.


“Long live the crown” they all cheered

But it was only i who truly knew

Why i was the sibling to be king

I was the only person who knew

Why my dear twin sister had to leave.


Glerisbed Garcia 1/15/17

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