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“A Tree”

A family is like a tree.

It blossoms from strong roots,

And needs sunshine to flourish.


It could not survive without the sun,

its fuel, its necessity.

Just like a family cannot survive without happiness.


A tree needs to be watered and nurtured

Like how a family nurtures one another.


Trees come in different types and sizes.

Some small fir trees,

Or huge sequoias.

And so do families.

They can be big or small,

emerging from different countries and cultures.


Sometimes leaves and branches fall off of the tree,

Leaving it slightly emptier.

But the leaves and branches that fall

Invite new members of the tree.

And the cycle continues

As the tree grows and flourishes.


When we lose family members,

our family can feel empty

Like a tree in the winter.

But new cousins or grandchildren will come,

And the family will feel full once again.


Aayaat Saiyed, December 13th, 2016.

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