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“Changing Seasons”

On a beautiful New England winter’s day morning, the sun hides behind the clouds
And snowflakes start to fall,
One by
Flake by

Hours pass,
And the snow covers the landscape with a bright white blanket of snow.

The deer are now visible
For their light brown coats become visible against the snow.

The deer run and
Over logs and fallen trees,
Each other through the snow covered trees,
As if
They were children playing a game.

However; the seasons will change from the delightful winter to the warm spring weather,
And the beautiful blankets of snow will melt
Leaving in its place wet puddles of mud
And hiding the prancing brown coats
Who live in the

But when spring arrives it will bring something new and unique.
Flowers will bloom,
the sun will shine,
And animals will be born.

Spring has come,
And winter has left.
Every season will come and go.

Matthew Heath, February 7, 2017

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